Stealth Technologies - Payment

Stealth Technologies - Payment

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Payment options:

Money order:

Money orders are safe and hassle free. Simply go down to your local post office and ask to send a money order. A postal cheque will be made by Australia Post. Post it to the address on the bottom of this page. Money orders cost about $2.50 or so and can only be made to the value of no more than $1000. For orders above $1000 multiple money orders will have to be drafted.


You are quite welcome to pay via cheque but we must wait for the cheque to clear before we process your order. Just post it off to the address on the bottom of this page.

Direct deposit:

Deposit the cash into our bank account directly. After direct depositing please call, fax or email us to let us know that the money is in the account. When depositing the money, tell the bank teller to place a comment on the transaction. Include your name in the comment this will make it easier for us to track down your payment. Our account details are listed below.

Bank account details:

National Australia Bank
BSB#: 087728
Account#: 695250101
Account name: Nathan Weeding

Postal address:

Stealth Technologies
C/O Post Office, Tullah, Tas 7321